Airvo 2
OptiflowTM High Flow Therapy
An integrated flow generator, wide flow range (2 – 60 L/min) and various interfaces facilitates the treatment of a broad range of patients across the hospital.
Nasal High Flow Therapy (NHF) aka (HFNC) is recommended for several clinical applications among published clinical practice guidelines.
A review of the studies referenced by these guidelines showed that most of the studies used flows of ≥ 45 L/min, i.e., flow rate matters.
How do I set up Nasal High Flow Therapy?
Introducing F&P Micro Moments! This episode provides a basic overview of how to set up Nasal High Flow using the F&P Airvo.
Watch this episode below or jump to the first:: What is High Flow Therapy?

- Airvo 2 High Flow System.
- AirSpiral™ heated breathing tube & chamber kit.
- Optiflow interfaces for adult and peadiatric applications, including cannula, tracheostomy and mask adapter options.
- Hospital stand.